The AANP and INM have partnered to launch a new service for you and others interested in naturopathic medicine. "Naturopathic Medicine: 100 Frequently Asked Questions" is a series of topic-specific facts and answers covering everything consumers want and need to know about naturopathic doctors and naturopathic medicine. Read the most recent FAQ's below.
FAQ #1:How are naturopathic doctors educated, trained, and licensed?
FAQ #2: What is Naturopathic Medicine
FAQ #3: Under what circumstances should I choose to see a naturopathic doctor?
FAQ #4: What is the difference between a licensed naturopathic doctor and an unlicensed naturopath?
FAQ #5: How should I choose a naturopathic doctor?
FAQ #6: How does naturopathic medicine lower health care costs?
FAQ #7: How do naturopathic doctors help people manage chronic pain without highly addictive opioids?
FAQ #8: How do naturopathic doctors and conventionally trained doctors work together?
FAQ #9: How does naturopathic medicine support breast cancer prevention and treatment?
FAQ #10: How do naturopathic doctors empower people to take charge of their health?
FAQ #11: How do naturopathic doctors treat patients with diabetes?
FAQ #12: Is naturopathic medicine safe?
FAQ #13: How do naturopathic doctors help prevent and treat cervical dysplasia and Human Papillomavirus (HPV)?
FAQ #14: Why do naturopathic doctors spend between one and two hours with patients in an appointment?
FAQ #15: How do naturopathic doctors prevent and treat heart disease?
FAQ #16: What do naturopathic doctors mean by the healing power of nature?
FAQ #17: How do naturopathic doctors diagnose and treat digestive complaints?